Monthly Archives:' May 2015
Professorship in Design Research
Preliminary Request for Expressions of Interest*:
In 2016 we will set up a new professorship in Design Research. We are looking for a expert in Design Research, who wants to engage in transdisciplinary collaborations in the context of eco-social transformation. Teaching will happen in our project-oriented study programs, among others in the Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal Design).
Requirements: habilitation (or equivalent) and/or professorship (or equivalent position). For more information please get in contact with us.
* after approval of the responsible bodies the formal call will be published
Professorship in Sociology
Preliminary Request for Expressions of Interest*:
In 2016 we will set up a new professorship in Sociology*. We are looking for a sociologist, who wants to engage in transdisciplinary collaborations with designers in the context of eco-social transformation. Teaching will happen in our project-oriented study programs, among others in the Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal Design).
Requirements: habilitation (or equivalent) and/or professorship (or equivalent position). For more information please get in contact with us.
* after approval of the responsible bodies the formal call will be published
We are looking for a designer, who likes to engage in eco-social issues by the means of product design with particular attention on the fields of materials and production.
Deadline: June 8th. Find the official call here. In case you have trouble understanding the bureaucratic language and the procedure, please do not hesitate to ask for help.
At the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano we will start a Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal Design)* in the winter semester 2015/16. In this context we will open a position as a researcher and teacher with a 3-years contract (“ricercatore a tempo determinato / RTD”). You will teach in the master, and you will do design and “research by design” in projects, where design acts as a catalyst of eco-social transformations. We see product design and visual communication as a interdisciplinary catalyst of change. This involves a multitude of factors and is undoubtedly challenging. Therefore, we collaborate in multidisciplinary teams and we enjoy it.
Interested? Please get in contact with us. A PhD is a plus, but not required. More importance is given to the portfolio. Unconventional styles and autonomous thinking are appreciated. Additional competences in related fields are welcome, too, for example in design research, maker culture and technologies, engineering, environmental sciences and/or social sciences.
* after approval of the ministry (MIUR)
Hiring: Information Designer & Visual Story Teller (closed)
We are looking for a designer, who likes to engage in eco-social and political issues by the means of information design and visual story telling.
Deadline: June 8th. Find the official call here. In case you have trouble understanding the bureaucratic language and the procedure, please do not hesitate to ask for help.
At the Faculty of Design and Art of the Free University of Bolzano we will start a Master in Eco-Social Design (Glocal Design)* in the Winter Semester 2015/16. We are also building up a focus in Visual Journalism. For both we are looking for a designer, who likes to engage in both eco-social issues and information design/visualization/visual story telling. We will open a position as a researcher with a 3-years contract (“ricercatore a tempo determinato / RTD”).
You will teach in the above-mentioned master and you will do design and research by design in diverse projects, where design plays an important role to communicate issues of social, political and/or environmental relevance. We see design and visual communication as a interdisciplinary catalyst of change. This involves a multitude of factors and is undoubtedly challenging. Therefore, we collaborate in multidisciplinary teams and we enjoy it.
Interested? Please get in contact with us. A PhD is a plus, but not required. More importance is given to the portfolio. Unconventional styles and autonomous thinking are appreciated. Additional competences in related fields are welcome, too, for example in web design, motion graphics, user experience design, interface design or physical computing.
* after approval of the ministry (MIUR)
It's getting hotter, do more about!
Multiple crisis urge us change.The congress Think More About in Brixen-Bressanone (South Tirol, Italy) presents diverse things that can be done now and brings together diverse actors, who a engaging in Eco-Social Transformations. The program is rich and inspiring. Don’t miss it.
To Do: Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt
LEZIONE APERTA 18.05. 19:00 unibz F0.03
Der Designer Florian Pfeffer hat ein wildes Potpourri aus inspirierenden Projekten, Methoden und Ideen zusammengestellt. Der Hermann Schmid Verlag hat es veröffentlicht. Die Verlegerin Karin Schmidt-Fridrichs sprechen gemeinsam über “Die neue Rolle der Gestaltung in einer veränderten Welt”.
Das Buch kann ich jedem Gestalter ans Herz legen, am besten zusammen mit dem Buch Transformationsdesign von Harald Welzer und Bernd Sommer, in dem beide präzise und eloquent Leitlinien für eine zukunftsfähige Gestaltung skizzieren. Welzer/Sommer liefern den fundierten Diskurs, Pfeffer ein Feuerwerk von Ansätzen und Inspirationen.
Einziger Wermutstropfen für mich als postmateriellen Bücherliebhaber: “To Do: …” gibt’s nicht als eBook, und dass obwohl die vielen Querverweise im Buch geradezu nach einem interaktiven Medium schreien. Transformationsdesign hingegen gibt’s aus als elektrisches Buch, und das sogar ohne Kopierschutz. Gute Ideen müssen weiter gegeben werden!
Danke Hans Höger für’s organisieren dieser Lezione Aperta!
Guest Lecture | 8.5. | unibz: Diverse Economies and Alternative Spaces
8.5. | 10.00 – 12.00 | unibz | Campus Brixen | Aula 1.50
Prof. Giorgos Gritzas & Prof. Karolus Kavoulakis
Diverse Economies and Alternative Spaces. An Overview of Approaches and Practices

image of an installation of Oliver Ressler
Die beiden griechischen Wissenschaftler befassen sich in Theorie, Forschung und Praxis mit verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und alternativen Formen des Wirtschaftens vor dem Hintergrund der multiplen Krise insbesondere im südeuropäischen Raum sowie mit alternativen Bewegungen.
Ins Zentrum rücken informelle Ökonomien, lokale Subsistenzformen, nicht monetärer Tausch, Genossenschaften, neue Wirtschaftskreisläufe und innovative Wege der Nahrungsbeschaffung, die Lebenszusammenhänge stärken, zur lokalen Entwicklung beitragen und Antworten auf neue Armut in Europa darstellen.
Diskussion und Moderation: Prof. Susanne Elsen