Armin Bernhard

Glocal Design Spring 2015 | workshop | 28.3.2015 | 10:00 – 19:00
Paradise Obervinschgau
Landscapes change. People use land. People change landscapes. Gradual change processes don’t immediately catch our eye – unless we are not on site for a while. We only notice the change after some time of looking away. Who determines the change and who may and should have a say? Can everyone do what he wants on his own land? And from which ground do we live?
The citizens’ initiative adam & epfl asks questions, many questions. It wants to pose them before the answer is already given, before the change has already happened. And we need to find the answers together, everyone who is affected. The landscape in which we live affects us all.
Interesting questions / statements
Braucht es einen Zusammenbruch?
Wo(von) wächst das, von dem du lebst?
Wann begehre ich (auf)?