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New Networks Evolving
“Reality is a piece of art” (Jurgen Bey)  and art is becoming reality…

DSC04592 - Versione 2

Last 16th November the whole team of the workshop Cecilia Palmer & l’Orto Semi-rurali was hosted by AKRAT to complete the beautiful “tendone”.

The process of a jointly produced awning for the Orto Semirurali in Bolzano started in the late summer as a “hands-on project” of the By DoD conference. As the project could not be completed by then, some activists met again to complete this shelter made by things that we find in daily life – recycled clothes.


Design for change
Since that weekend nothing is like before… By knitting together life stories of humans and clothes, the tendone becomes more and more a social piece carrying stories, social  connections and ideals.

The team is growing bigger; involving people from different backgrounds, ages and nationalities that share a common interest in participating for a transformation towards sustainability. People from Donne Nissa, RiCreazioni, Faculty of Design and Art, Orto Semirurali, Mercato dei talenti and.. friends; everybody joined for a dinner insieme !


Space into place
AKRAT offers the ideal space for any kind of ideas or innovations and a place for social encounter. That afternoon, the smell of local and intercultural food combined to the sound of sewing machines and entertaining discussions brought us to new ideas and projects that will hopefully appear soon !


Thank you all :)

anja & elettra


Die Idee und Praxis der Gemeinwohlökonomie breitet sich in Südtirol zunehmend aus (die vielen Artikel und Initiativen zum Thema, die sich alleine auf hierzu finden bestätigen das). Auf zwei Veranstaltungen im November sei hingewiesen – auf beiden mischen Prof. Dr. Susanne Elsen und andere Akteure der Uni Bozen mit.

Gemeinwohlökonomie in Südtirol
23.11. 2013, 09.30 – 12.30 Uhr, Bozner Messe ( Latemar Saal)
mehr dazu (PDF)

Gemeinwohlregion Vinschgau
28.11.2013 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr, Schloss Goldrain (Schlossstraße 33 I-39021 Goldrain)
mehr dazu (PDF)

Wer nicht weiss, was mit Gemeinwohlökonomie gemeint ist, findet auf der Web-Site der Bewegung gute Erklärungen. Hier ein Vorgeschmack:

Die gegenwärtigen ökologischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Krisen fordern mutige und entschlossene Visionen und Menschen, die sich an der Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Zukunft beteiligen. Die Bewegung für eine Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie versteht sich in diesem Sinne als Impulsgeber und Initiator für weitreichende Veränderungen.


Looking back on our event, I am very happy that the experiment worked:
we started with the idea that design today has effects everywhere and that sustainable lifestyles and systems require changes everywhere, too. Logical consequence: design should be used for the eco-social transitions we need so urgently. Therefor, designers got to get into the multi-facetted matters and concerns of such transformations and other actors working towards sustainable changes need an understanding of design and get together with designers for using this powerful instrument effectively.


To foster understanding, collaboration and co-design with our event we brought together divers persons, groups, practices and discourses – hoping that they work together in fruitful ways. And they did :) The setting we prepared, the tools and process we offered proofed to be useful. And above all, the persons and groups we invited were great!

BNA_workshop We got plenty of very positive feedback, like “… using a very real local issue added so much tangible value to the experience as a opportunity for learning.” wrote Joe Shaw. The workshops showed that designers can get people work together to design and develop solutions. Within such creative processes not only products and services are designed, but the shared experience of successfully designing and producing together, is an outcome by its own. On top of this some relations created in such processes keep on working together, for example between the both initiatives L’Orto Semi Rurali and AKRAT in case of the workshop with Cecilia Palmer. The role of the designer as a facilitator works.


Some more praise: “I really appreciated the critical and alternative approach of the invited speakers.” (Andreas Trenker). And I was happy that the divers discourses completed to each other, in some cases it appeared as if they would have been prepared together as the two talks of Susanne Elsen and of Open State.


With her discourse on Eco-Social Transformation Susanne laid the ground for the practical approaches and examples Open State presented directly after her talk.


There are be many other things to mention and to show. We will soon publish a documentation, with all talks as videos and some more documents, among other the real-time-booklets that where produced by during the event by Nina & Elletra (Words & Ideas), Tobia (Photography), Philip &  Amin (Design and much more, always with great efficiency and beauty). Thank you! And thanks to all the many volunteers!

Santa_Amin Proceedings will be published somewhen next year. In the meanwhile we start preparing the next edition of BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER, which might get going already in winter 2013. We will change setting and focus, because winter is not summer, and we will also consider the critical feedback, like the remark of Brave New Alps, who wished to have more time after the conferences to deepen issues in a discussion. Therefor we will foresee a more time for dialog after the talks next time. Ursula Tischner, who is currently organizing the sustainability maker convention (October 15, Cologne), wished there would have been a real party with dancing. I can only agree, saying with Emma Goldman: “If I can’t dance, it’s not my revolution!”. More critical feedbacks and ideas are very welcome!

One thing did not work out at all: the incredibly committed and excellent cook Armin did get only very few donations for PREM PRASAD, the initiative providing food in the street of india. But fortunately you can also donate online. If you liked the food and the service, please give something!


Last but not least: I am happy to continue the collaboration with Alvise Mattozzi. Our both characteristics and competencies complete each other. And next time we get in a third person, which is more straight forward than both of us, too ;-)

See more images on FB.

Few tips for the innovation festival

As you probably know, By Design or By Disaster will take place in the framework of the Innovation Festival.
Here are some suggestions for events occurring at a timing not overlapping our first day conference and our last discussion. These events can be of interest for you since they address issues related to design, sustainability and participatory innovation processes.

The DoD Team

Innovation: will we make beautiful music together?

26 September 2013, at 14:00-15:30

Free University of Bolzano – Piazza Università 1
Corporations – How will the individual players who make up the innovation scene come together to form an orchestra that will make beautiful music? Who will play first fiddle? And what if, instead of a classical orchestra, it turns out to be a jazz combo which specialises in skilful improvisation? Experts are forever talking about how innovation gives rise to social relationships, or alters and even destroys them. We shall also address the problem of how to accommodate various and possibly diverging interests.
Speaker(s): Attila Bruni – University of Trient/Trento, Massimiano Bucchi – University of Trento/Trient, lbena Yaneva – University of Manchester (UK)
Moderator(s): Marco Bassetti – Publicist
Organisers: Innovation Festival, in cooperation with STS Italia
Languages: English and Italian with simultaneous translation into Italian
Room: D102
More info here in IT, EN or DE

Ristrutturiamo sostenibile con “Innovation School”

giovedì 26 settembre 2013, Ore 14:00-15:30
Museion – Via Dante 6
Edilizia alpina – L’ “Innovation School” è un metodo formativo innovativo di TIS ed EURAC, che promuove lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti mettendo insieme ricercatori e imprenditori. E ogni anno si ricomincia. Quest’anno il tema è “ristrutturazioni” e qui vengono presentati prototipi e risultati. 
Relatore/i: Maria Giulia Faiella – TIS innovation park, Bolzano, Michele Bottoni – Eurotherm, Frangarto, Hanspeter Gotter – Expan, Terlano, Helmut Moratelli – Wolf Artec, Naz-Sciaves
Moderatore/i: Paolo Campostrini – ”Alto Adige”
Organizzatore: TIS innovation park
Evento in lingua italiana e tedesca con traduzione simultanea.
More info here in IT or DE

Efficienza energetica nella produzione

venerdì 27 settembre 2013, Ore 14:00-15:00
Libera Università di Bolzano – Piazza Università 1
Tecnologia – Le industrie hanno un grande fabbisogno energetico che deve essere impiegato in modo più efficiente, per mantenere il vantaggio competitivo. Qual è lo status quo della tecnica e quali sbocchi ci sono per le aziende che vogliono uscire dalla trappola dei costi per l’energia?
Relatore/i: Frank Treppe – Fraunhofer, Monaco (D)
Moderatore/i: Marina Giuri Pernthaler – Giornalista
Evento in lingua tedesca con traduzione simultanea in lingua italiana.
Aula: D102
More info here in IT or DE

Fuer alle gedacht, fuer alle gemacht

Freitag, 27. September 2013, 16:00-17:30 Uhr
Freie Universität Bozen – Universitätsplatz 1
Gesellschaft – Gegenstände, die für Kinder, alte oder behinderte Menschen gemacht sind, müssen besonders benutzerfreundlich und funktional gedacht und designt werden. „Design für Alle“ sorgt dafür, dass solche Gegenstände auch schön und reproduzierbar sind. Wie es um die Zukunft des „Design für Alle“ bestellt ist, wird gemeinsam mit dem Kunstkritiker Philippe Daverio erörtert.
Referent(en): Philippe Daverio – Fernsehmoderator und Kunstkritiker, Francesco Morace – Future Concept Lab, Mailand, Paolo Favaretto – Favaretto&Partners, Padua.
Veranstalter: Innovation Festival in Zusammenarbeit mit ADI.
Veranstaltung in italienischer Sprache mit deutscher Simultanübersetzung.
Saal: Aula Magna
Ticketing: jeweils zwei Stunden vor Veranstaltungsbeginn können die Gratis-Tickets beim entsprechenden Austragungsort abgeholt werden. Damit sichern sich die Teilnehmer einen Sitzplatz. Pro Person können höchstens zwei Tickets ausgegeben werden, Tickets gibt es solange der Vorrat reicht. Die Anzahl der verfügbaren Tickets hängt von der Kapazität des jeweiligen Austragungsortes ab. Es herrscht freie Sitzplatzwahl.
More info in DE or IT

Making social innovation real

27 September 2013, at 21:00-22:00
Palais Campofranco & Information Point – Access via Waltherplatz
Start-up – Social innovations offer undreamt of business opportunities. Following on from Jessica Jackley’s talk, we turn once more to the question of how the lives of many people can be improved. You will of course expect to be given plenty of tips and tricks accompanied by a goodly amount of vision.
Organisers: ItaliaCamp and TIS innovation park
Language: English
More info in IT, EN or DE

Muoversi in verde

sabato 28 settembre 2013, Ore 11:00-12:00
Palais Campofranco & Infopoint – Ingresso da Piazza Walther
Mobilità – Il pensiero sostenibile è il focus di questo talkshow. Un comunicatore della sostenibilità racconta la propria filosofia di comunicazione e un imprenditore mostra che le bici elettriche nascondono una grande potenziale. Gli spettatori possono inviare domande che troveranno risposta negli ultimi 20 minuti.
Relatore/i: Maurizio de Concini – TC Mobility, Bolzano, Patrick Kofler – Helios, Bolzano
Moderatore/i: Silvia Franceschini – Giornalista RAI
Organizzatori: EURAC, SMG, TIS innovation park
Evento in lingua italiana.
More info here in IT or DE



provides and creates tools for a consciuos designing of our future which will be particularly challenging, and demanding creative processes beyond familiar dimensions.
It is about desiging the space between people: the political, social, artistic, scientific, economic,
philosophical, spiritual, practical space.
It is an artproject by people of various professional fields who like to work together in projects, grow in scale, scope and capacity through collaborative interdisciplinary work. Their common basis is an open
definition of creativity which does not exclude any field of work. These collectives share, at their core, an
idea and a belief that creativity is our single most valuable resource. The only resource providing
solutions for the dramatic global chaos we face.
Art is critique on a mechanistic way of thinking.

found on
They just published a UTOPIA TOOLBOX book [mainly in German language]. You can take a look over there.

In Köln ist auch was los (ausser Karneval)

Vom 28. September bis 6. Oktober läuft in Köln das Ökorausch-Festival, das ebenfalls Design und Nachhaltigkeit verbindet.
Ökorausch klingt in meinen Ohren nicht eben berauschend, aber in der Ausstellung sind interessante Projekte zu entdecken, z.b. das fairphone.

Auf dem Symposium spricht u.a. Christa Liedtke vom Wuppertal Institut, aber keine Designer …
… dafür gibt es ein über die Stadt verteiltes Programm für Groß und Klein ;-)

Threading communities together - The used cloths and clothing collection has started

For the workshop with Cecilia Palmer and Orti Semirurali Garten we need used cloths and clothing. They will be used as main material of the shelter for the Orti Semirurali Garten community (see here).

Please bring your clean used cloth and clothing to:
Associazione Donne Nissa
Via Cagliari Strasse 22a
Mon.- Fri. 9:30-12:30    

Free University of Bozen Bolzano
Mon.- Fri. 9:30-12:30
Room C2.05 lun-mer. 9:00-14:00
F-entrace on thursday the 26th, 10:00-19:00

Harvest Festival at the Orti Semirurali Garten

Next Saturday, the 21st of September, at the Orti Semirurali Garten there will be the Festa del Raccolto/Erntefest from 2 pm to 10 pm with music, food, and movie projections (see flyer below)

It is a good occasion to get to know one of our workshop partners.

Indeed our workshop lead by Cecilia Palmer will be with and in the Orto Semirurali Garten (you can find a description here)

The DoD Team

STSItalia offers two scholarship to take part to the DoD Hands-On Conference

STSItalia (, the scientific society promoting the Social Study of Science and Technology (STS) in Italy, has been a partner of By Design or By Disaster since the beginning. The role and use of artefacts in order to promote and implement different social relations that comprise not just humans but also what we consider “natural” elements – what is actually at stake in our Hand-On Conference – is indeed an issue that gathers many aspects of STS’ researches.
In order to foster the participation of social scientist in the workshops, STSItalia has decided to offer two scholarships, each covering registration, travel and lodging costs up to € 150 for two of its members.
If you are interested, go to:

Cecilia Palmer and Orto Semi-rurali's workshop's details

Nature does not know the concept of waste; the only species
capable of making something no one desires is the human species.
Gunter Pauli, Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives.

Cecilia Palmer, together with Orto Semirurali Garten – a Bozener intercultural community garden -, will run a two-day workshop open to 16 participants in order to envision new forms of community development and interaction related to the activities of the garden.

The workshop aims to explore means of sustainable, collaborative design in practice and to gather a community in a joint effort in creating shelter for L’Orto Semirurali Garten using upcycled material. During a 2-day practical, collaborative session, the workshop will bring together students, the garden community and everyone in the neighborhood interested in getting to know L’Orto Semirurali Garten in a practical way.

We will work with upcycled materials, consisting of mainly worn clothing as a material base, in order to build the shelter that will be used to give shade and as a place to get together in the garden in the coming seasons.

During the two days we will collect worn clothing from the surrounding community and setup a temporary sewing workshop in L’Orto Semirurali Garten. Everyone is invited to join us making, sewing, cutting, remodeling and building this shelter together. We hope that after these two days, many hands will have assembled a patchwork sheet large enough to provide shade for the community during hot, sunny days.

Clothing, worn but clean, can be donated to the garden in advance (clothing accepted at the University or at the Donne Nissà Association between 9.30-12.30 Monday to Friday) or brought during the event.

The garden provides us with food, which together with shelter and clothing sum up our most basic material needs as humans. This workshop touches all three of these essential cornerstones, as well as how we can design or interact with them.

The natural loop in a garden is evident – we prepare the soil, plant the seeds, grow our crops, harvest them, prepare food from them and use the left-overs for compost to prepare new soil, and so the cycle of life goes on. Our clothing, on the other hand, is nowadays mostly a product of a globalized industry, wasting both natural and human resources, with thousands of tons of textiles ending up in landfill each year. It is an industry that creates a huge amount of waste, withvery little going back into the natural loop.

Upcycling design initiatives seek to find ways to complete this cycle of of resource use, in a similar way to that which happens in a garden. After all, most of us have a staple of clothing at the back of our wardrobes that we don’t use anymore, that might be out of fashion or might not fit anymore, but that is still of good quality. These are the resources that we seek to bring back into the loop by re-creating new garments or objects, in this case a shelter.

Upcycle = reuse (discarded objects or material) in such a way as to create a product of a higher quality or value than the original.

Registration Open

Register until 8th of September for the conference to benefit from free food, drinks and WLAN (you can also buy tickets later, but you won’t get the free extras then).

Each workshop accepts a maximum of 16 participant. Please apply until 8 of September.

Participants from Bolzano hosting guests from elsewhere, can register for free – please inform Hannelore Schwabl about your offer and register until 8th of September. If you need free accommodation, please write an request to Hannelore.

Find more information on our FAQ page.

Postwachstumsökonomie im Schnelldurchlauf

Niemand fasst die Grundzuge einer nachhaltigen Form des Lebens und des Wirtschaftens knackiger und kompetenter zusammen als Prof. Niko Paech, ein Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und damit wie er sagt “ein Mann für’s Grobe”.

Mehr dazu in einem Artikel auf,  im lesenswerten Lesetipp im und in einer kurzen Zusammenfassung zum Thema auf, wo ich auch das Diagramm von Frederich Vester wieder gefunden habe, das anschaulich macht wieso es bei unbegrenztem Wachstum irgendwann “Peng” macht. Vester hatte versucht systemisches Denken für einen nachhaltigen Wandel nutzbar zu machen. In meiner Jugend in den 80ern hatte mich sein Buch “Neuland des Denkens – Vom technokratischen zum kybernetischen Zeitalter sehr inspiriert. Er hatte die Gabe komplexes nicht nur zu verstehen, sondern auch zu vermitteln.

aus: Frederic Vester, Leitmotiv vernetztes Denken – Für einen besseren Umgang mit der Welt, München 1988, S. 41.

aus: Frederic Vester, Leitmotiv vernetztes Denken – Für einen besseren Umgang mit der Welt, München 1988, S. 41.

Transformative Design / Design Transformations

Design has an impact on the way we consume and produce, we work and live, how we collaborate and how we make decisions, … we want to use design for transformations towards sustainability. This involves ecological, social and economic aspects. Designers have to consider all those dimensions and collaborate with experts of different backgrounds. While non-designers should know about the potential and the “logic” of design.

In our conference and workshops we – Alvise Mattozzi and me – bring together various competences in order to learn from each other and to experiment practices of transformative design.

On this blog we will collect related material. We are happy about comments, proposals and critic. The rest of this web site is under development. More information on the program will be added continuously. Get the newsletter to stay up-to-date.

Registration for the conference day and for the 2-day workshops starts on july 22nd.

We thank Amin Al Hazwani and Philip Santa for the excellent design and the development of this web site.