Political Ecology 1

Here you can download material related to the first part in Political Ecology by Daniela Gottschlich. Update: Slides from the 1st lecture (zipped ppt)

Eco-Social Economics 3

With this .zip archive you can download the material of Adelheid Biesecker's Seminar in Eco-Social Economics. It contains: the slides "Eco-Social Economics 3:
The Social Contract" Biesecker Adelheid, Winterfeld Uta v.: Regeneration in Limbo: Ecofeminist Perspectives on the Multiple Crisis and Social Contract, In: Phlips, Mary und Rumens, Nick (Hg.): Contemporary ...

Milk Factory

Getting milk directly from the cow’s udder to reconnect with nature is our vision of the future for dairy products. Changing people’s habits, however, requires consumers to relearn forgotten pleasures, such as rediscovering the real taste of milk, the kind that comes ...

FORMcard bioplastic

Peter marigold has developed "FORMcard" – a bioplastic capable of fixing and modifying any kind of object.launched on kickstarter, the pocket-sized meltable cards change their state simply by being placed in a cup of hot water, whereby the reaction causes them to fuse with other ...

Eco-Social Economics 2

With this .zip archive you can download the material of Adelheid Biesecker's Seminar in Eco-Social Economics. It contains: the slides "Eco-Social Economics 2: Focus: (Re)Productivity" Biesecker Adelheid, Hofmeister Sabine: Focus: (Re)productivity. Sustainable relations both between society and nature and between the genders, Elsevier, 2010

PIG 05049

Christien Meindertsma has spent three years researching all the products made from a single pig. Amongst some of the more unexpected results were: Ammunition, medicine, photo paper, heart valves, brakes, chewing gum, porcelain, cosmetics, cigarettes, conditioner and even bio diesel. Meindertsma makes ...

Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Heinrich Böll Stiftung published a dossier about soil and meat. The Dossier about soil includes also the video "Let´s talk about soil (Part 1)" and "Better save soil (Part 2)"  made by Uli Streckenbach, who did ...


Nowadays, the need to control what we eat becomes essential. "Mushrooming" is a new experience in the edible mushroom growing, adapted to home environment and recycling household waste. Household waste such as paper, newspapers, cardboards, paper towels, coffee grounds, textile, bread ...

Half of world’s wealth now in hands of 1% of population

  Inequality growing globally and in the UK, which has third most ‘ultra-high net worth individuals’, household wealth study finds Global inequality is growing, with half the world’s wealth now in the hands of just 1% of the population, according to a ...

“Das Wunder von Mals”

FILM presentazion: "Das Wunder von Mals" Ganz Südtirol wurde von Apfel-Monokulturen niedergewalzt. Ganz Südtirol? Nein. Ein von unbeugsamen Vinschgern bevölkertes Dorf leistet Widerstand ... Regisseur Alexander Schiebel erzählt worum es in dem Dokumentarfilm „Das Wunder von Mals“ gehen wird. ...

Introduction to Eco-Social Economics

With this .zip archive you can download the material of Adelheid Biesecker's Introduction to Eco-Social Economics. It contains: the slides "Introduction to Eco-Social Economics" Biesecker, Adelheid/ Hofmeister, Sabine: Focus: (Re)productivity. Sustainable relations both between society and nature and between the genders. In: Ecological Economics 69 (2010), pp. 1703-1711 Biesecker, Adelheid/ Kesting, ...

Eating Animals — a book on today’s meat industry

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer was released in 2009, after the author’s first-time fatherhood beckoned. It was written with the goal to learn more about where the meat for himself and his family comes from. Focusing on the modern way in ...

Exposing The Shocking Truth About Meat Glue

picture: https://www.google.it/search?q=meatglue&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAmoVChMI1_iekYGJxgIVC7UUCh0uyACx&biw=1696&bih=782#imgrc=XqdQsCs3vU6ZbM%253A%3BdZfe1pDUcbpLLM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fkitchenmusingsblog.files.wordpress.com%252F2013%252F03%252F6a00d83451bb1e69e200e553a6bc098834-pi.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fkitchenmusings.com%252F2008%252F07%252F06%252Fmeat-glue%252F%3B3056%3B2296

Nahrungsmittelproduktion in der Stadt – ein Zukunftsmodell aus Berlin

Ein Berliner Start-Up Unternehmen erzeugt umwelt- und klimafreundliche Lebensmittel für die Stadt. Fischzucht und Anbau von Biogemüse werden intelligent kombiniert, es könnte zukunftsweisend für die Welternährung sein.

Hunger aktuell

Laut Welthungerbericht der Vereinten Nationen sinkt die Zahl der Hungernden, aber noch immer haben fast 800 Millionen Menschen nicht genug zu essen. Als Grund für die positive Entwicklung gilt unter anderem das Wirtschaftswachstum in Ländern wie Vietnam.

Food & Money

Food watch explains the effects of speculation on agrarian goods.

What TTIP really means

Food Watch explains what TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is and what the consequences could be, if the contract will be signed.

Meat, deconstructed

A good overview about the current state of research on meat substitutes, by Alistair Gee.

Adam und Epfl

Citizens of the Obervinschgau founded an initiative against the proliferation of intensive fruit-growing to make the inhabitants aware of the its risks for the region.

Jetzt oder nie: Gastrosophie!

Harald Lemke spricht über die notwendige Revolution, die am Tisch beginnt, aber nicht dort endet. Im Interview im Schrot & Korn bringt der gelernte Philosoph vieles eloquent auf den Punkt, so auch die Macht der VerbraucherInnen: Wir entscheiden. Die Käuferklasse ist sehr mächtig. ...

Choose your poison carefully… :)

picture: https://www.google.it/search?q=Choose+your+poison&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Ma9KVcP5IsbmUuLGgdAC&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1696&bih=782#imgrc=del4vaE7WkL3LM%253A%3B7VDkCisXzqLt7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252Fc%252Fcf%252FWaste_sign.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Flisavooght.blogspot.com%252F2015%252F04%252Fletter-e-choose-your-poison.html%3B224%3B225

Expo contribute

picture: http://blog.bodycandy.com/2012/03/15/masters-of-modification-maria-jose-cristerna-transformation/vampire-teeth/

The Multinationals

Read also: http://www.ilfattoalimentare.it/oxfam-scopri-marchio-multinazionali-pianeta.html


The importance of Urban Gardening for the worldwide food security

Although urban and peri-urban horticulture (UPH) is a reality in most developing cities, it often goes unrecognized in agricultural policies and urban planning. The essential first step towards sustainable management of urban and peri-urban horticulture is the official recognition of its positive role in urban development, particularly in the ...

TTIP – Freier Handel oder freie Bürger?

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