Political Ecology 1

Here you can download material related to the first part in Political Ecology by Daniela Gottschlich. Update: Slides from the 1st lecture (zipped ppt)

Eco-Social Economics 3

With this .zip archive you can download the material of Adelheid Biesecker's Seminar in Eco-Social Economics. It contains: the slides "Eco-Social Economics 3:
The Social Contract" Biesecker Adelheid, Winterfeld Uta v.: Regeneration in Limbo: Ecofeminist Perspectives on the Multiple Crisis and Social Contract, In: Phlips, Mary und Rumens, Nick (Hg.): Contemporary ...

Concept Poster

The Concept Poster provides a brief summery of each project, its core idea, purpose, partners, and visual elements, etc. We hang them on the green wall in the "Freiraum" of Master Ateliers. So every student and every teacher can get an overview. For this Lisa has done a comfortable template. ...

Project Outline & Grouping

Let's define all the the projects in a way that the make sense together. With this perspective, let's try to merge projects differentiate projects so that they complete each other (instead on duplicating things) outline each project and define the team understand how projects relate to each other and where cross-project collaborations For a better ...

Eco-Social Economics 2

With this .zip archive you can download the material of Adelheid Biesecker's Seminar in Eco-Social Economics. It contains: the slides "Eco-Social Economics 2: Focus: (Re)Productivity" Biesecker Adelheid, Hofmeister Sabine: Focus: (Re)productivity. Sustainable relations both between society and nature and between the genders, Elsevier, 2010

Concept Presentation #1

Present in max. 10 min. your ROUGH CONCEPT. Use slides. Come quickly to the point(s). Make it essential, concise and attractive. And present as if the audience would know (almost) nothing. POINTS to get clear: WHAT is the CORE IDEA? WHO makes it happen? involved actors / partners / ... & what are their MOTIVATIONS ...

Eco-Social Design 2: Tools & Environments for Empowerment, (Self)organization & Participation

Here is the material from the 2nd Talk on Eco-Social Design, focusing on Tools & Environments for Empowerment, (Self)organization & Participation, and projects in the fields of / social web, collaborative tools & platforms / open source, open culture & DIY/DIT (Do It Together) / spaces & events for social ...

Good Packaging for Good Food

Mini project | to be finished and presented in the week of November 9th 1) Choose a good food product Good = good taste + at least 3 out of these 5 qualities: produced in small structured agriculture processed in artisanal structures organic fair local 2) learn about the product in all its qualities (taste, culture, origins, impacts and ...

Eco-Social Design 1: Relevant Information & Honest Propaganda

Here is the material from the 1st Talk on Eco-Social Design, focusing on / communicating complex eco-social & political issues in concise & attractive ways / good advertisement, (de)branding & campaigning to promote for sustainable lifestyles & economies and for eco-social/political actions in other words: / from DATA to INFORMATION to STORY to ...

Introduction to Eco-Social Economics

With this .zip archive you can download the material of Adelheid Biesecker's Introduction to Eco-Social Economics. It contains: the slides "Introduction to Eco-Social Economics" Biesecker, Adelheid/ Hofmeister, Sabine: Focus: (Re)productivity. Sustainable relations both between society and nature and between the genders. In: Ecological Economics 69 (2010), pp. 1703-1711 Biesecker, Adelheid/ Kesting, ...

Lebensmittel-Konsum: ein Echtzeit-Überblick

"Was essen und trinken die Deutschen – ein Echtzeit-Ticker" zeigt anschaulich was in Deutschland gerade verzehrt und verschwendet wird. Erstellt hat diesen die Redaktion des neuen Magazins eKitchen (danke Eva-Marie für den Link).  

Sculpture as Visualization to Raise Awareness on Food Consumption

Itamar Gilboa sculptured everything he eat in one year. For his part, Gilboa says the project did change his behavior. He cut back on meat, added more vegetables and took stock of how much wine he consumed. “Before, I used to open ...

Tasty Styles

A compilation of quite diverse styles that could go well along with good food (by Kris & Gianluca). Buon Appetito! (obacht: huge page with big images; links often point to google image searches; find better sources / books yourself). PUKKA offers tasty teas, which are eco-fair ...

Jetzt oder nie: Gastrosophie!

Harald Lemke spricht über die notwendige Revolution, die am Tisch beginnt, aber nicht dort endet. Im Interview im Schrot & Korn bringt der gelernte Philosoph vieles eloquent auf den Punkt, so auch die Macht der VerbraucherInnen: Wir entscheiden. Die Käuferklasse ist sehr mächtig. ...

Expo = Oktoberfest + Staatsbankett + Markenwelt

Ausgezeichneter Artikel im Feuilleton der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 2./3. Mai über die Expo in Mailland. Das Fazit der Autorin Laura Weißmüller: Was also bleibt von der Expo und den Beiträgen der 148 teilnehmenden Nationen und Organisationen? Vermutlich nicht viel außer einem gewaltigen Brachland und dem Wissen, dass die Welt nur ...

TTIP – Freier Handel oder freie Bürger?

spannende Sendung auf arte.tv hat nicht nur mit Essen zu tun, wird sich aber auch auf dieses auswirken.

“Die Geschichte des Essens” in 3 Gängen auf ZDF.de

"Von der Steinzeit bis heute" Vorspeise | Hauptspeise | Nachspeise (kommt demnächst). "Hauptspeise" habe ich gesehen = unterhaltsam, auch lehrreich, aber weder tiefgründig noch kritisch. Kein Vergleich mit Kubelka, den man/frau unbedingt sehen und hören sollte. Runterladen lassen sich fast alle Sendungen ...

the ignorance of humans about intelligence of plants

The roots of plant intelligence = a fantastic, funny and enlightening talk of Stefano Mancuso, who is running the Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology . Enjoy!

Make Cheese, not War!

Gefunden auf der Seite "Im Gespräch: Martin Pircher vom Käsefestival im Ahrntal" auf Gourmet Südtirol, über das Käsefestival Ahrntal, das leider erst nächstes Jahr wieder statt findet. Im abgelegenen ...

Food Exhibition @ Triennale @ Expo

The exhibition Arts & Foods. Rituals since 1851, running from April 9 to November 1, 2015, is the first section of the EXPO 2015 to open, as well as the only thematic area of the Expo located in the center of ...

“Taste the Waste” – see the movie!

Why do we throw away so much food? And how can we stop this kind of waste? These are the questions behind the movie "TASTE THE WASTE" A film by Valentin Thurn

Gemüse überall: Balkon, Fensterbrett, Keller, …

Gemüse selber anbauen macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern gibt uns auch ein kleines Stück Unabhängigkeit. Doch wer in der Stadt wohnt, hat dafür meist nur begrenzte Möglichkeiten. Utopia zeigt kreative Wege, wie man eigenes Gemüse auf dem Balkon, dem Fensterbrett und sogar im Keller anbauen kann.

Über Essen, Design, Menschen und andere Tiere

Peter Kubelka auf dem HfbK Symposium "Warum gestalten?" - unbedingt ansehen.

Gesunde, lokale & leckere Kantinenverpflegung?

Das klingt wie ein Widerspruch in sich. Doch das verspricht Kulindando. Sollte man/frau mal genauer ansehen und testen. Klingt jedenfalls wie eine Marktlücke. Und präsentiert sich so als ob auch die junge Otto-Normalverbraucherin darauf einstimmen kann – nicht mein Style, aber vielleicht genau richtig, um nicht nur in allzu ...

Campaign Poster playing with Space

Inspiring collection of outdoor posters and billboards that play with the environment they are placed it.

What the hell are GAS?

In this case GAS doesn't stink, to the contrary, it stand for "Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale" (Solidarity Purchasing Group), by which consumers buy excellent food (and other things) directly form producers. They form a community – the groups of consumers, together with ...

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