Milk Factory

Getting milk directly from the cow’s udder to reconnect with nature is our vision of the future for dairy products. Changing people’s habits, however, requires consumers to relearn forgotten pleasures, such as rediscovering the real taste of milk, the kind that comes ...

Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Heinrich Böll Stiftung published a dossier about soil and meat. The Dossier about soil includes also the video "Let´s talk about soil (Part 1)" and "Better save soil (Part 2)"  made by Uli Streckenbach, who did ...

“Das Wunder von Mals”

FILM presentazion: "Das Wunder von Mals" Ganz Südtirol wurde von Apfel-Monokulturen niedergewalzt. Ganz Südtirol? Nein. Ein von unbeugsamen Vinschgern bevölkertes Dorf leistet Widerstand ... Regisseur Alexander Schiebel erzählt worum es in dem Dokumentarfilm „Das Wunder von Mals“ gehen wird. ...

Eco-Social Design 1: Relevant Information & Honest Propaganda

Here is the material from the 1st Talk on Eco-Social Design, focusing on / communicating complex eco-social & political issues in concise & attractive ways / good advertisement, (de)branding & campaigning to promote for sustainable lifestyles & economies and for eco-social/political actions in other words: / from DATA to INFORMATION to STORY to ...

Sculpture as Visualization to Raise Awareness on Food Consumption

Itamar Gilboa sculptured everything he eat in one year. For his part, Gilboa says the project did change his behavior. He cut back on meat, added more vegetables and took stock of how much wine he consumed. “Before, I used to open ...


“Ogni arte […] riguarda il far venire all’essere e il progettare, cioè il considerare in che modo può venire all’essere qualche oggetto di quelli che possono essere e non essere. Aristotele” FOOD. CHOCOLATE. DESIGN. è un progetto che parla di cibo ma non solo, di gusto con la G maiuscola, di qualità e talento ...

Gesundes Gemüse

Das Gemüse gesund ist weiß jeder......

Exposing The Shocking Truth About Meat Glue


Zu gesund?!

Gesunde Ernährung kann auch schnell zur Sucht werden, zu viel ist eben auch nicht immer gut.  

Big Macs make big children!

The main focus of this guy is to forbid advertisement on Sport Events for Fast Food. Also he wants a shocking packaging, in some cases probably helpful! Maybe a little step that prevents the society of getting more fat ...

Italians open their kitchens

As we speak there are fantastic culinary events Happening in Italy's kitchens! Watch the video!

Hunger aktuell

Laut Welthungerbericht der Vereinten Nationen sinkt die Zahl der Hungernden, aber noch immer haben fast 800 Millionen Menschen nicht genug zu essen. Als Grund für die positive Entwicklung gilt unter anderem das Wirtschaftswachstum in Ländern wie Vietnam.

Food Styling: Some simpleTricks for Beginners

As a two-time award winner from the International Association of Culinary Professionals (“IACP”), Kim Kissling is one of the leading food stylists in the industry. In this article she tells you the most essential aspects, you have to take care of, when photographing your last culinaric creation.

A cookbook like no other

Israel's kitchen carries the influences of an incredible number of cultures inside. Jerusalem: A Cookbook additionally combines traditional and contemporary recipes. It is definitely one of the best cookbooks I know.

Adam und Epfl

Citizens of the Obervinschgau founded an initiative against the proliferation of intensive fruit-growing to make the inhabitants aware of the its risks for the region.

Jetzt oder nie: Gastrosophie!

Harald Lemke spricht über die notwendige Revolution, die am Tisch beginnt, aber nicht dort endet. Im Interview im Schrot & Korn bringt der gelernte Philosoph vieles eloquent auf den Punkt, so auch die Macht der VerbraucherInnen: Wir entscheiden. Die Käuferklasse ist sehr mächtig. ...

Choose your poison carefully… :)


Expo contribute


The Multinationals

Read also:

Cucina giapponese für Anfänger.

Moé Takemura,designer giapponese che ha appena concluso un master di Industrial design in Svezia,è l'autrice di "Guide to the foreign japanese kitchen", letteralmente "Guida alla cucina giapponese straniera". Il suo libro non ha infatti la pretesa di essere l'ennesimo libro sulla cucina giapponese.In 30 ricette ci mostra la composizione del ...

Coltivare mentre si aspetta il treno

In Giappone, recentemente, sono stati creati degli orti sul tetto o nelle vicinanze delle stazioni dei treni di varie città, tra cui la più grande Ebisu ma anche Ogikubo, Toda, Hachio ji e Takasaki a Tokyo. Il progetto si chiama Soradofarm (che vuol dire la via del cielo)  di cui potete ...

Drunk Food We all know the feeling when you head home on a drunken night, desperately craving some food. YouTube channel BuzzFeedYellow gave us an interesting insight what people all around the world stuff in their bellies when in that situation. And guess what's the Germans favorite? Currywurst with Fries and lots ...

Expo = Oktoberfest + Staatsbankett + Markenwelt

Ausgezeichneter Artikel im Feuilleton der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 2./3. Mai über die Expo in Mailland. Das Fazit der Autorin Laura Weißmüller: Was also bleibt von der Expo und den Beiträgen der 148 teilnehmenden Nationen und Organisationen? Vermutlich nicht viel außer einem gewaltigen Brachland und dem Wissen, dass die Welt nur ...

The Handburger

Super creative, Singapore-based, design studio Couple created the visual identity, packaging and space graphics for Handburger, a burger joint in Singapore. For a fun and innovative approach to branding the company Couple produced it entirely out of paper, highlighting the artistry ...


What lies behind Da me li chiamano "Sensi di colpa", ma forse sarebbe meglio "Consapevolezza".

Adotta un albero

Dopo aver calcolato quando kg di CO2 si emettono in una sola giornata, si può ben pensare di rimediare e come?! Adottando un albero, molto semplicemente! In Senegal, in Burkina Faso o persino in Italia, la scelta è ...

Lovely Package Blog

"Graphic patterns and unusual shapes emphasise the novelty of the package content, and sometimes go so far as to make the packaging itself a coveted object." Boxed and Labelled_New Approaches to Packaging Design

The importance of Urban Gardening for the worldwide food security

Although urban and peri-urban horticulture (UPH) is a reality in most developing cities, it often goes unrecognized in agricultural policies and urban planning. The essential first step towards sustainable management of urban and peri-urban horticulture is the official recognition of its positive role in urban development, particularly in the ...

GENESIS – Sebastiao Salgado

Masterpiece of photography This project aims at finding the origins of the world again by discovering populations, animals and worlds which escaped the contemporary world.

Refugee Women’s Restaurant

The 28 years old Nikandre Kopche is offering to migrant women the great possibility to start a new life thanks to her restaurant in London. More info here. Well done Nikandre! :)


Alison Anselot is a photographer who lives in Belgium and Pantone is her photographic project, in which she matches colours of different foods with the Pantone ones. Hope you like it :)  

“AVANZI POPOLO” alla riscossa!

Uno spazio virtuale, uno spazio fisico itinerante e...le persone! Ecco gli ingredienti necessari per combattere gli sprechi ed aiutare i più bisognosi, tutto grazie ad un bellissimo progetto made in Bari che promuove il consumo critico, il risparmio e la cultura ...

A’ Design Award – Packaging

Find out the winner for the A' Design Award.. Really cool ideas..  

Attenzione! Pane in via d’estinzione!

Diversi sono i cibi che, in Italia e nel mondo, si stanno estinguendo. Tra questi, il pane toscano di Marocca Casola. Per saperne di più

Möhre, Hühnchen, Kuchenteig. Das gesunde Mach- und Sachbuch für kleine Köche

found on design made in germany

“Die Geschichte des Essens” in 3 Gängen auf

"Von der Steinzeit bis heute" Vorspeise | Hauptspeise | Nachspeise (kommt demnächst). "Hauptspeise" habe ich gesehen = unterhaltsam, auch lehrreich, aber weder tiefgründig noch kritisch. Kein Vergleich mit Kubelka, den man/frau unbedingt sehen und hören sollte. Runterladen lassen sich fast alle Sendungen ...

Cook Together!

A little bit rhetorical but still emotional, this video promotes the value of sharing experience remembering us one of the main issue of food.

the ignorance of humans about intelligence of plants

The roots of plant intelligence = a fantastic, funny and enlightening talk of Stefano Mancuso, who is running the Laboratory of Plant Neurobiology . Enjoy!

Mai pensato ad un cambiamento drastico di menù?

Sei da sempre onnivoro ma ultimamente ti fai qualche domanda sulla situazione degli allevamenti in Italia e sullo sfruttamento degli animali in generale? Se i sensi di colpa iniziano ad essere forti ed hai bisogno di una mano sul sito "cambia ...

Make Cheese, not War!

Gefunden auf der Seite "Im Gespräch: Martin Pircher vom Käsefestival im Ahrntal" auf Gourmet Südtirol, über das Käsefestival Ahrntal, das leider erst nächstes Jahr wieder statt findet. Im abgelegenen ...

A Bolzano: Forèst, Food Opera

Il compositore Matteo Franceschini ha realizzato, su commissione della Fondazione Teatro Comunale e Auditorium, un’opera dal concetto innovativo e unico nel suo genere: una “food opera” dal titolo Forèst, spettacolo capace di sovrapporre il piacere per la musica con quello per il gusto....

The relative perception

How the presentation of the food and the communication can change our taste! An "italian" experiment!  

Food Exhibition @ Triennale @ Expo

The exhibition Arts & Foods. Rituals since 1851, running from April 9 to November 1, 2015, is the first section of the EXPO 2015 to open, as well as the only thematic area of the Expo located in the center of ...

Smarter Food from smarter crops

The research of IBM doesn't stop to computer. IBM engineers have developed many systems in order to: reduce fruit and vegetables waste, prevent porks diseases... let's take a look!

Banana Wall

A great example of Graphic linked to Food, a project by Stefan Sagmeister. Here further information about the project.

Pukka Tea – Beautiful Graphic Packaging

Here a great idea of a good product: Pukka Organic Tea! Pukka products bio Tea, it tastes intense and it is wrapped up in beautiful designed paper boxes.

“Taste the Waste” – see the movie!

Why do we throw away so much food? And how can we stop this kind of waste? These are the questions behind the movie "TASTE THE WASTE" A film by Valentin Thurn

app per condividere e non sprecare cibo

  Qui un'articolo che illustra le app (tutte italiane) per la condivisione di cibo in eccesso e la filosofia che c'è dietro. Qui alcuni link a queste app: - - (sviluppata a Trento ...

Perverse Verschwendung im Kino

"Taste the waste": Die Verschwendung großer Industrienationen zeigt Valentin Thurn in seinem Film im Rahmen von "Vom Einkaufen zum bewussten Erwerb".   17.04.2015 um 20:00 Uhr (Auditorium Langer, Piazza Montessori-Platz 7)   Proiezione film sullo spreco alimentare e su come evitarlo a cura ...

Forced to eat waste?

Does food turn bad at the exact day and time of the expiration date? According to this assumption supermarkets throw away goods that exceeded the best-before date. "Tasty Waste": To raise awareness among people that is is not true, youngCaritas cooked food using ...

Genius ice cream pack for woman with PMS

Texas based graphic designer Parker Jones has created a series of ice cream labels that really connect with women who struggle during that time of the month. If nothing else, they are brutally honest.  ...

Gemüse überall: Balkon, Fensterbrett, Keller, …

Gemüse selber anbauen macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern gibt uns auch ein kleines Stück Unabhängigkeit. Doch wer in der Stadt wohnt, hat dafür meist nur begrenzte Möglichkeiten. Utopia zeigt kreative Wege, wie man eigenes Gemüse auf dem Balkon, dem Fensterbrett und sogar im Keller anbauen kann.

DO play with FOOD!

  Here there are some nice and funny examples of edible art. Enjoy your meal!

Cibo= identità.

In questo  interessante articolo viene sottolineato come ciò che mangiamo è il risultato di ciò che siamo,ciò che ci piace,la nostra cultura,le nostre esperienze,le nostre amicizie e tutte le piccole cose che formano un essere umano.Il cibo diventa quindi importantissimo nel momento in cui si emigra in un nuovo luogo ...

Una playlist alimentare.

Una selezione delle più importanti e interessanti ted conferences sul cibo e l'alimentazione. Enjoy!  

Über Essen, Design, Menschen und andere Tiere

Peter Kubelka auf dem HfbK Symposium "Warum gestalten?" - unbedingt ansehen.

STILLLEBEN (mal anders)

Die aus Finnland stammende Künstlerin Diana Luganski zeigt auf einer tollen Art und Weise ihren Umgang mit Alltagsgegenständen und Essen.

some more inspiring examples (commented) lot in a small space - oxymoron This is a way to realize something that few of you thought about - very relevant for us Questions on prescription Quite relevant for us An interactive display w/out high tech: the viewer is engaged in ...

Gesunde, lokale & leckere Kantinenverpflegung?

Das klingt wie ein Widerspruch in sich. Doch das verspricht Kulindando. Sollte man/frau mal genauer ansehen und testen. Klingt jedenfalls wie eine Marktlücke. Und präsentiert sich so als ob auch die junge Otto-Normalverbraucherin darauf einstimmen kann – nicht mein Style, aber vielleicht genau richtig, um nicht nur in allzu ...

Campaign Poster playing with Space

Inspiring collection of outdoor posters and billboards that play with the environment they are placed it.

Il bullo ce l’ha piccolo

Oliviero Toscani, da sempre fotografo/comunicatore fuori dagli schemi, spiega la differenza tra uomo e bullo usando solo una banana e un pisello, in una campagna pubblicitaria promossa nel 2009 dalla Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Semplice, diretto, efficace.

Una presa al Coll(i)o

Ecco cosa serve, secondo Oliviero Toscani, per svegliare gli Italiani (in questo caso i Friulani), per spingerli ad investire con passione. Lui propone un'immagine che sveglia: una studentessa svedese di colore, a seno nudo, promuove il Collio, uno dei vini bianchi più buoni del mondo. Lo slogan provocatorio "L'unico Bianco ...

Interessanter WIKU – Beitrag zum Thema Biowein

Wikuausgabe vom 25.03.2015  

Eat Well Guide – An inspiring project from America

"Eat Well Guide – a free, online directory of farms, stores, restaurants, CSAs and other sources of sustainable food throughout the US and Canada. By simply entering a zip code, users can find sustainable food locally or along a route when traveling. The Guide includes 25,000+ handpicked, curated listings, and ...

Egalité! Fraternité! RESTAURANT!

Do you want to descover who first invented the "restaurant"? Legend has it that a soup salesman named Boulanger opened the first modern restaurant 250 years ago in Paris, but... These stories serve up reminders that today’s concept of a restaurant was never ...

UN – Zero Hunger Challenge

Organic makes the difference

Check this video at 16:25 (21:16 to go straight to the point). You will meet a normal clod of earth and her organically grown twin. Wow! Organic farming makes difference. A huge one. A difference comparable to the one between a ...

Umweltverschmutzung und Umdenken© (für Updates bitte Quellen prüfen)

Umweltverschmutzung und Umdenken Bildquelle:

Bees 1 – Mankind 0

As I see it, bees solved the problem of architecture way before we were able to light a fire. Here's why in 2D and in 3D, wonderfully explained by the Moody Institute of Science.

Robben essen | Mangiare foche | Seals eating

Bavarians do not worry, I'm not talking about your beloved striker here. I'm talking about actual seals: the beloved, cute, little animals. In one of my musical peregrinations through the web I recently discovered Tanya Tagaq, an Inuit throat singer who collaborated, among others, with Bjork. She has recently put out ...

Pietro Barilla’s ads form part of your brain

In this documentary broadcasted by La Storia siamo noi, they explain how working class hero Pietro Barilla's advertising for pasta accompaigned Italian anthropological evolution between 1958 and 2013. The documentary is in Italian.

What the hell are GAS?

In this case GAS doesn't stink, to the contrary, it stand for "Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale" (Solidarity Purchasing Group), by which consumers buy excellent food (and other things) directly form producers. They form a community – the groups of consumers, together with ...

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