about urban agriculture, project and tools

agricolturaurbana.com it’s a web site where you will find best ever topics about urban agricolture and also you can dowload projects and insights. Blog IT/EN categories to find: AGRICULTURE biointensiva EXPO2015 FOOD...

Eco-Social Design 2: Tools & Environments for Empowerment, (Self)organization & Participation

Here is the material from the 2nd Talk on Eco-Social Design, focusing on Tools & Environments for Empowerment, (Self)organization & Participation, and projects in the fields of / social web, collaborative tools & platforms / open source, open culture & DIY/DIT (Do It Together) / spaces & events for social ...

Eco-Social Design 1: Relevant Information & Honest Propaganda

Here is the material from the 1st Talk on Eco-Social Design, focusing on / communicating complex eco-social & political issues in concise & attractive ways / good advertisement, (de)branding & campaigning to promote for sustainable lifestyles & economies and for eco-social/political actions in other words: / from DATA to INFORMATION to STORY to ...

The master starts from Milan, World

On Monday the 5th of October 2015 the new Master in Eco-Social Design will officially start. Students and teachers will inaugurate the Academic Year with an excursion to the Expo and to TerraMadreGiovani-WeFeedthePlanet (www.wefeedtheplanet.com). This excursion is a way to get promptly involved in our design oriented hands on reflection on ...

Vegan freundlich!

  Schnitzel & Co. waren gestern! In dieser Mensa wird vegan aufgetischt, hier könnten sich einige Mensen eine Scheibe abschneiden :)

Erdbeere Saison eröffnet!

Nicht nur süßer sondern auch noch gesünder: dunkle Erdbeeren!

Nahrungsmittelproduktion in der Stadt – ein Zukunftsmodell aus Berlin

Ein Berliner Start-Up Unternehmen erzeugt umwelt- und klimafreundliche Lebensmittel für die Stadt. Fischzucht und Anbau von Biogemüse werden intelligent kombiniert, es könnte zukunftsweisend für die Welternährung sein.

Go wwoofing

Interested in experiencing the live and work in an organic farm? WWOOF is an exchange - In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accomodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

Jetzt oder nie: Gastrosophie!

Harald Lemke spricht über die notwendige Revolution, die am Tisch beginnt, aber nicht dort endet. Im Interview im Schrot & Korn bringt der gelernte Philosoph vieles eloquent auf den Punkt, so auch die Macht der VerbraucherInnen: Wir entscheiden. Die Käuferklasse ist sehr mächtig. ...

Choose your poison carefully… :)

picture: https://www.google.it/search?q=Choose+your+poison&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Ma9KVcP5IsbmUuLGgdAC&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1696&bih=782#imgrc=del4vaE7WkL3LM%253A%3B7VDkCisXzqLt7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252Fc%252Fcf%252FWaste_sign.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Flisavooght.blogspot.com%252F2015%252F04%252Fletter-e-choose-your-poison.html%3B224%3B225

Coltivare mentre si aspetta il treno

In Giappone, recentemente, sono stati creati degli orti sul tetto o nelle vicinanze delle stazioni dei treni di varie città, tra cui la più grande Ebisu ma anche Ogikubo, Toda, Hachio ji e Takasaki a Tokyo. Il progetto si chiama Soradofarm (che vuol dire la via del cielo)  di cui potete ...

Adotta un albero

Dopo aver calcolato quando kg di CO2 si emettono in una sola giornata, si può ben pensare di rimediare e come?! Adottando un albero, molto semplicemente! In Senegal, in Burkina Faso o persino in Italia, la scelta è ...


Here an interesting project by a colleague from Eindhoven

Refugee Women’s Restaurant

The 28 years old Nikandre Kopche is offering to migrant women the great possibility to start a new life thanks to her restaurant in London. More info here. Well done Nikandre! :)

“AVANZI POPOLO” alla riscossa!

Uno spazio virtuale, uno spazio fisico itinerante e...le persone! Ecco gli ingredienti necessari per combattere gli sprechi ed aiutare i più bisognosi, tutto grazie ad un bellissimo progetto made in Bari che promuove il consumo critico, il risparmio e la cultura ...

A’ Design Award – Packaging

Find out the winner for the A' Design Award.. Really cool ideas..  

Möhre, Hühnchen, Kuchenteig. Das gesunde Mach- und Sachbuch für kleine Köche

found on design made in germany

new kind of cafe

found on pinterest

mc donald’s is going down

this video is about image, a new concept, numbers and the change by the costumer

Mai pensato ad un cambiamento drastico di menù?

Sei da sempre onnivoro ma ultimamente ti fai qualche domanda sulla situazione degli allevamenti in Italia e sullo sfruttamento degli animali in generale? Se i sensi di colpa iniziano ad essere forti ed hai bisogno di una mano sul sito "cambia ...

Make Cheese, not War!

Gefunden auf der Seite "Im Gespräch: Martin Pircher vom Käsefestival im Ahrntal" auf Gourmet Südtirol, über das Käsefestival Ahrntal, das leider erst nächstes Jahr wieder statt findet. Im abgelegenen ...

A Bolzano: Forèst, Food Opera

Il compositore Matteo Franceschini ha realizzato, su commissione della Fondazione Teatro Comunale e Auditorium, un’opera dal concetto innovativo e unico nel suo genere: una “food opera” dal titolo Forèst, spettacolo capace di sovrapporre il piacere per la musica con quello per il gusto....

agriculture = integral part of urban life

10 tolle Beispiel aus der ganzen Welt über lokale Produkte.

Genius ice cream pack for woman with PMS

Texas based graphic designer Parker Jones has created a series of ice cream labels that really connect with women who struggle during that time of the month. If nothing else, they are brutally honest.  ...

Gemüse überall: Balkon, Fensterbrett, Keller, …

Gemüse selber anbauen macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern gibt uns auch ein kleines Stück Unabhängigkeit. Doch wer in der Stadt wohnt, hat dafür meist nur begrenzte Möglichkeiten. Utopia zeigt kreative Wege, wie man eigenes Gemüse auf dem Balkon, dem Fensterbrett und sogar im Keller anbauen kann.

Una playlist alimentare.

Una selezione delle più importanti e interessanti ted conferences sul cibo e l'alimentazione. Enjoy!  

Über Essen, Design, Menschen und andere Tiere

Peter Kubelka auf dem HfbK Symposium "Warum gestalten?" - unbedingt ansehen.

Gesunde, lokale & leckere Kantinenverpflegung?

Das klingt wie ein Widerspruch in sich. Doch das verspricht Kulindando. Sollte man/frau mal genauer ansehen und testen. Klingt jedenfalls wie eine Marktlücke. Und präsentiert sich so als ob auch die junge Otto-Normalverbraucherin darauf einstimmen kann – nicht mein Style, aber vielleicht genau richtig, um nicht nur in allzu ...

What do you think about this? :)

photo: http://blog.cbeloch.de/2013/02/sprout-der-wachs-mal-stift.html Thank's for the link Arch. Pinzger :)

Bean breakthrough bodes well for climate change challenge

Beans have been a casualty of rising temperatures. But the new variety, developed through natural breeding, is more resilient to heat and drought.

Vegans against the slaughter of lambs

Following the animal rights campaigns, consuption of lamb and kid has collapsed from 50% in the last four years, see the new campaign of Animal Amnesty.

Eat Well Guide – An inspiring project from America

"Eat Well Guide – a free, online directory of farms, stores, restaurants, CSAs and other sources of sustainable food throughout the US and Canada. By simply entering a zip code, users can find sustainable food locally or along a route when traveling. The Guide includes 25,000+ handpicked, curated listings, and ...

Banco Alimentare is just good

I really like Banco Alimentare for their simple yet revolutionary approach to the issue of overproduction. What they do is they collect refuse from supermarkets and they give it to who needs it. Nobody knows anything about them, and nobody cares. I see this as an example of good design, while ...

Slow-wood Slow Food

discover the super idea of studio fludd, in Slow Wood unconventional panino!    

Packaging no more!

Also Italy has started follow the example of many other countries where there are developed new supermarkets that do not use any kind of packaging reducing waste of materials and environmental pollution. There are already 34 stores all around the country. Check out this article and look if there are ...

Seed Vicious, semi di resistenza al Leoncavallo

(da il Manifesto del 22/03/15) Agricoltura. Oggi e domani (dalle 13 alle 20) La Terra Trema e Civiltà Contadina chiamano a raccolta al centro sociale di via Watteu (Milano) contadini liberi per un libero scambio di semi, esperienze ...

Trip inside my favourite burger

I love Burger King. They are always so nice with me. My favourite hamburger is the Steakhouse. Fresh beef grilled on high heat, tasty roasted onions, crispy bacon, tasty BBQ sauce and fresh tomatoes and salad. I love the Steakhouse. Today I ...

UN – Zero Hunger Challenge


The Fridge Answer

Am I the only one who pass a lot of time stand in front of the fridge wondering what to do? Finally the answer comes from the fridge! Just recently I've discovered this amazing website, myfridgefood, where you can put ...

Bees 1 – Mankind 0

As I see it, bees solved the problem of architecture way before we were able to light a fire. Here's why in 2D and in 3D, wonderfully explained by the Moody Institute of Science.

What the hell are GAS?

In this case GAS doesn't stink, to the contrary, it stand for "Gruppo di Acquisto Solidale" (Solidarity Purchasing Group), by which consumers buy excellent food (and other things) directly form producers. They form a community – the groups of consumers, together with ...

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