PIG 05049

Christien Meindertsma has spent three years researching all the products made from a single pig. Amongst some of the more unexpected results were: Ammunition, medicine, photo paper, heart valves, brakes, chewing gum, porcelain, cosmetics, cigarettes, conditioner and even bio diesel. Meindertsma makes ...

Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Heinrich Böll Stiftung published a dossier about soil and meat. The Dossier about soil includes also the video "Let´s talk about soil (Part 1)" and "Better save soil (Part 2)"  made by Uli Streckenbach, who did ...

“Das Wunder von Mals”

FILM presentazion: "Das Wunder von Mals" Ganz Südtirol wurde von Apfel-Monokulturen niedergewalzt. Ganz Südtirol? Nein. Ein von unbeugsamen Vinschgern bevölkertes Dorf leistet Widerstand ... Regisseur Alexander Schiebel erzählt worum es in dem Dokumentarfilm „Das Wunder von Mals“ gehen wird. ...

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