Food Movies

In this page a serie of 15 movies about origins of industrial food. These movies show facts around the massive production of most common goods like coffee, meat, hamburgers, and also about work exploitation, diseases and others catastrophic ...

Exposing The Shocking Truth About Meat Glue


Zu gesund?!

Gesunde Ernährung kann auch schnell zur Sucht werden, zu viel ist eben auch nicht immer gut.  

Big Macs make big children!

The main focus of this guy is to forbid advertisement on Sport Events for Fast Food. Also he wants a shocking packaging, in some cases probably helpful! Maybe a little step that prevents the society of getting more fat ...

Hunger aktuell

Laut Welthungerbericht der Vereinten Nationen sinkt die Zahl der Hungernden, aber noch immer haben fast 800 Millionen Menschen nicht genug zu essen. Als Grund für die positive Entwicklung gilt unter anderem das Wirtschaftswachstum in Ländern wie Vietnam.

Choose your poison carefully… :)


Expo = Oktoberfest + Staatsbankett + Markenwelt

Ausgezeichneter Artikel im Feuilleton der Süddeutschen Zeitung vom 2./3. Mai über die Expo in Mailland. Das Fazit der Autorin Laura Weißmüller: Was also bleibt von der Expo und den Beiträgen der 148 teilnehmenden Nationen und Organisationen? Vermutlich nicht viel außer einem gewaltigen Brachland und dem Wissen, dass die Welt nur ...

TTIP – Freier Handel oder freie Bürger?

spannende Sendung auf hat nicht nur mit Essen zu tun, wird sich aber auch auf dieses auswirken.

wasser ist kostbar


Food Exhibition @ Triennale @ Expo

The exhibition Arts & Foods. Rituals since 1851, running from April 9 to November 1, 2015, is the first section of the EXPO 2015 to open, as well as the only thematic area of the Expo located in the center of ...

“Taste the Waste” – see the movie!

Why do we throw away so much food? And how can we stop this kind of waste? These are the questions behind the movie "TASTE THE WASTE" A film by Valentin Thurn

Una playlist alimentare.

Una selezione delle più importanti e interessanti ted conferences sul cibo e l'alimentazione. Enjoy!  

The Problem Of Palm Oil

An interesting article in Italian that gives a background of the actual situation of the production of Palm Oil. IS IT REALLY NECESSARY?

Food prices and the financial industry

Foodwatch published a report titled "The Hunger Makers", examining the connections between the rising food prices and the development at the financial markets. "In 2010 alone, food prices rose by one-third, causing an additional 40 million people to plunge into absolute poverty. There was another record ...

Extra virgin olive scam

Do you like the green and flavourish bottle of Extra Virgin olive oil you can get at the supermarket for 5€? Lucky you! As The New York Times reported in january, many of the aforementioned bottles have little ...

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