“Ogni arte […] riguarda il far venire all’essere e il progettare, cioè il considerare in che modo può venire all’essere qualche oggetto di quelli che possono essere e non essere. Aristotele” FOOD. CHOCOLATE. DESIGN. è un progetto che parla di cibo ma non solo, di gusto con la G maiuscola, di qualità e talento ...

Bar Luce – designed by Wes Anderson, the Director of “The Grand Budapest Hotel”

Designed by film director Wes Anderson, Bar Luce recreates the atmosphere of a typical Milanese cafè. Although his movies often favor symmetrical tableaux, Anderson feels that ‘there is no ideal angle for this space. It is for real life, and ought to have numerous good spots for eating, drinking, ...

Die Roadkill Bewegung

You kill it we grill it - Tiere, die von Fahrzeugen auf der Straße zu Tode gefahren werden, sind in vielen Kulturen der Welt willkommene, kostenlose Ergänzungen des Ernährungsplanes: Kängurus in Australien, Elche in Skandinavien, Rehe, Hirsche, Wildschweine und Hasen überall, wo sie vorkommen.

Nahrungsmittelproduktion in der Stadt – ein Zukunftsmodell aus Berlin

Ein Berliner Start-Up Unternehmen erzeugt umwelt- und klimafreundliche Lebensmittel für die Stadt. Fischzucht und Anbau von Biogemüse werden intelligent kombiniert, es könnte zukunftsweisend für die Welternährung sein.

Hunger aktuell

Laut Welthungerbericht der Vereinten Nationen sinkt die Zahl der Hungernden, aber noch immer haben fast 800 Millionen Menschen nicht genug zu essen. Als Grund für die positive Entwicklung gilt unter anderem das Wirtschaftswachstum in Ländern wie Vietnam.

Food Styling: Some simpleTricks for Beginners

As a two-time award winner from the International Association of Culinary Professionals (“IACP”), Kim Kissling is one of the leading food stylists in the industry. In this article she tells you the most essential aspects, you have to take care of, when photographing your last culinaric creation.

Cereal – the most beautyful food magazine I know

The magazine, published twice a year, is divided into city-specific chapters. Each chapter comprises features on places, people and products, paired with striking photography. An interlude section, included in every volume, features a selection of style and culture articles.

Food & Money

Food watch explains the effects of speculation on agrarian goods.

What TTIP really means

Food Watch explains what TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is and what the consequences could be, if the contract will be signed.

Meat, deconstructed

A good overview about the current state of research on meat substitutes, by Alistair Gee.

A cookbook like no other

Israel's kitchen carries the influences of an incredible number of cultures inside. Jerusalem: A Cookbook additionally combines traditional and contemporary recipes. It is definitely one of the best cookbooks I know.

Go wwoofing

Interested in experiencing the live and work in an organic farm? WWOOF is an exchange - In return for volunteer help, WWOOF hosts offer food, accomodation and opportunities to learn about organic lifestyles.

Adam und Epfl

Citizens of the Obervinschgau founded an initiative against the proliferation of intensive fruit-growing to make the inhabitants aware of the its risks for the region.

The importance of Urban Gardening for the worldwide food security

Although urban and peri-urban horticulture (UPH) is a reality in most developing cities, it often goes unrecognized in agricultural policies and urban planning. The essential first step towards sustainable management of urban and peri-urban horticulture is the official recognition of its positive role in urban development, particularly in the ...

Food prices and the financial industry

Foodwatch published a report titled "The Hunger Makers", examining the connections between the rising food prices and the development at the financial markets. "In 2010 alone, food prices rose by one-third, causing an additional 40 million people to plunge into absolute poverty. There was another record ...

Eat Well Guide – An inspiring project from America

"Eat Well Guide – a free, online directory of farms, stores, restaurants, CSAs and other sources of sustainable food throughout the US and Canada. By simply entering a zip code, users can find sustainable food locally or along a route when traveling. The Guide includes 25,000+ handpicked, curated listings, and ...

Virtual water and food

Here you can find extremely precise data about the water-foodprints of single nutrition products.

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