Matteo Moretti


Matteo Moretti
was born in 1977 in Milan, Italy. After information studies at highschool, he started his study at the Politecnico di Milano – Faculty of Design, working as a freelance web designer in the meantime. In 2001 his particular skills in cross media and technological research have led him to work by Erazero, an audio/video post production studio, partner of Mtv Italy, and by which he has started and presently manages the new Media/Technology division. In 2005 he took the degree in Industrial Design and in 2006 he started to work as lecturer in the Free University of Bozen Bolzano where he teach Interactive & motion graphic, genertive design and interactive Media. He also teach workshops at Bilgi University di Istanbul and Chulalongporn University of Bangkok. Presently, he is working in Milan and Bolzano, reconciling the research on cross media and design with university teaching.


Matteo Moretti
è nato nel 1977 a Milano, Italia. Dopo il diploma di perito informatico, prosegue i suoi studi presso il Politecnico di Milano – Facoltà del Design, lavorando come web designer freelance nel frattempo. Nel 2001 la sua propensione per i cross-media e la ricerca tecnologica l’hanno portato a lavorare ad Erazero, uno studio di post produzione audio/video, partner di Mtv Italia, dove ha avviato e attualmente gestisce la divisione Media. Nel 2005 si laurea e nel 2006 diventa docente per Libera Università di Bolzano, dove insegna Interactive & motion graphic, generative design e Interactive Media. Nel frattempo tiene workshop presso l’Università Bilgi di Istanbul e Chulalongporn University di Bangkok. Attualmente, lavora tra Milano e Bolzano, conciliando la ricerca sui cross media e design con l’insegnamento universitario.

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