10.6. @ unibz: Serge Latouche: Growth is the Problem, not the Solution

Serge Latouche is a fore-thinker of degrowth. The French economist / social scientist / philosopher / activist speaks in at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano on the campus Brixen-Bressanone, next wednesday, 10th of July, 18:00-20:00, Aula Magna
If you don’t know Latouche and get a taste:
What is degrowth? “By „degrowth“ we understand a downscaling of production and consumption in the industrialized states that increases human well-being and enhances ecological conditions and equity on the planet.” read on in “What does “degrowth” mean to us?“. This fits well to our upcoming Master in Eco-Social Design, which is not only about more eco-efficient products and services, but is striving for more social good and good life with less material goods. More about the Master.
The lecture and discussion will be in Italian language.It is organized and moderated by Prof. Susanne Elsen.