Enrico Bassi

Enrico Bassi, designer graduated at Politecnico di Milano, worked as Innovation designer in Milan and Miami for three years.
He managed the first Italian Fablab in 2011, Fablab Italia, and after that Fablab Torino for two years.
He works with Officine Arduino, mainly organizing events, doing workshops and educational courses. He teaches “digital fabrication” in NABA (Milan), SUPSI (Lugano) and LABA (Brescia).
Beside some personal project as a designer, like the wooden bike Rootless, he recently started a collaboration with the fablab Opendot in Milan, that aim to bring together makers and enterprises. To do this they organize hackathons, advanced workshops and design tables.
year 2030, making in the future
Lately it seems that everybody is talking about the maker movement and fablabs. 3D printers are becoming the next object in a lot of designers’ wish list. More and more products are coming to the market produced digitally.
Even so, the digital fabrication is just moving its firsts steps and it’s going to change a lot of fields along its path: design is one of these. It is going to become more glocal, responsible and community-oriented than before. These technologies are still pretty young, with an endless number of possible evolutions. So, what’s next? what will it mean to be a designer in 15 years?
Nobody can surely predict it, but to think about it it’s a interesting exercise, that helps us to understand better even our own reality and in which direction we are moving.
Interesting questions / statements
Open-source is all about don’t have to solve the same problem twice
if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.